Weatherizing Strategies to Save Money

DATE: November 9, 2015

Are you tired of spending so much to heat your home to a comfortable level? One of the simplest ways to curb your energy expenses is by implementing winter weatherizing strategies that weatherproof your home. When you implement these 6 winter weatherizing strategies, you will spend less money every month. Read on for actionable tips on how to save.

1. Schedule a furnace tune-up – One simple way to reduce your energy expenses is to schedule a furnace tune-up. A service technician will clean your furnace, replace the filter, and make sure all parts are working properly so the unit can operate as efficiently as possible. If your furnace is older there are more energy efficient furnaces available.

Weatherizing your home2. Seal air leaks around windows and doors – Drafty windows and doors send heat into your home in the summer and chilly air into your home in the winter. By caulking around drafty windows and doors, you directly reduce the air leaks. Not only will you feel warmer in the house, but you won’t spend as much since heat loss will stop. Apply caulk around all sides of your door and window frames using a continuous stream. Treat moving parts (like windows and doors themselves) with weather-stripping instead.

3. Replace your windows or use storm windows – Old windows are a major source of energy loss. If your windows are old and drafty, consider getting them replaced. If you do not have storm windows, adding these will give you another layer of protection against winter weather. The money you save by investing in window improvements will be more than paid back by the amount of money saved over time.

4. Insulate the attic – Attic insulation prevents heat from escaping through the attic. You can schedule an appointment or install cellulose insulation yourself to see an immediate increase in home comfort and decrease in heating costs. If you lack attic insulation, you will notice a big difference when you add this.

5.  Have an energy audit – Want to spend less on heat, but don’t have the time to calculate where you are losing energy? Schedule an energy audit. Many companies offer these free. You will receive a whole house evaluation that indicates exactly where you are losing energy. Pick and choose weatherizing recommendations to implement to begin to save.

6. Passively heat by opening the shades – If you leave the south-facing window shades open, you increase the amount of sun (and heat) coming into your house. Closing the same shades at night blocks chilly drafts. When you can get into the habit of passively heating your home by opening and closing the shades, you will feel warmer even when temperatures plunge.

If you would like to discuss these weatherizing strategies or schedule your furnace tune-up, please contact us. We want to do our part to help Kentuckiana consumers save this winter.

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